In fresh water, you will fish a river different from a lake, and in salt water, you will fish from a pier or the shore different than you would from a boat. If you are deep-sea fishing then it is a whole other game entirely, because you will need to use some specialized gear in addition to heavier rods, reels, and tackle like depth finders, chart plotters, and even a GPS.
Of course, if you are the kind of sportsman who is really into deep-sea fishing then you already know what it takes to have a successful deep-sea fishing expedition. However, if you are new to this kind of fishing then there a few things you need to know when going out on a deep-sea fishing boat.
If you have fished from a boat in shallow water, you may still have used some gear like a GPS or a chart plotter or maybe even both in combination. You do this in order to successfully co-ordinate your fishing trip so that you do not fish over the same area or over fish a location that may result in little or no catches.
On a deep-sea fishing expedition using a GPS and chart plotter combination is even more important because not only will you be able to chart your trip, but you will be able to more easily locate and mark an area that you have fished before where you have had successful catches.
Many boat captains and particularly charter boat captains make great use of this kind of equipment and information for their clients, which is very good for you if you are their charter. If you own your own deep-sea boat, or are considering buying your own deep-sea boat then you definitely need a GPS/chart plotter combo to be successful.
If you are looking for a good gps and chart plotter combo then a good one to look at it the Hummingbird 898c SI combo. The Humingbird 898c SI combo has everything you need to have a successful fishing trip.
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See my previous post: Choosing the Best Sea Fishing Rod for You
See my previous post: Choosing the Best Sea Fishing Rod for You
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