Whether an experienced angler or a novice, we are always looking for ways to improve our chances of landing one of these prized species. The fishing guide, Large Mouth Bass Extreme, promises not only to improve your skills but guarantees you will have a successful large mouth bass fishing experience on your very next angling adventure.
This guide, provides all the tools needed in a detailed and concise manner. It is easy to read and follow the instructions which include choosing the right gear, finding the perfect fishing location, and what time of year in various parts of the country offers the best large mouth bass fishing opportunity.
The guide also reveals highly guarded secrets that the pros don't want you to know. Not only does it expose top secret pro-bass fishing techniques and almost take the "sport" out of bass fishing but also supplies you with bonus packages. It offers bonus software and the ability to be interactive with the internet which allows you to visualize what is being taught in this guide.
Some of the bonus books and software are:
- o The Ultimate Knot Tying Guide
- o Bass Fishing Topography Software
- o Pro Bass Fishing Demo
- o Bass Fishing Time of Day Calculator
- o Fishing Expert Advice Software
- o Bass Tourney Demo
- o Large mouth and Small mouth Bass Weight Estimator
- o Bass Fishing Calendar
Do you like Bass fishing? Then you can get your ultimate bass fishing guide here Beginner Fly Fishing as well as here Largemouth Bass Extreme
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mary_Swanson
See my previous post: Small Mouth Bass - Surefire Lures And Foods They Can't Resist!
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