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3 Tips To Make Fishing Lures At Home
Posted by Magic Fishing on Sunday, February 27, 2011
Need Cheap Fishing Lures? It's Easy to Make Them Yourself!
Posted by Magic Fishing
Making your own fishing lures allows you the freedom and creativity to design them as you wish AND it is a great money saver. There are ample tutoring videos over the Internet, some of the materials needed to make the lures can be found around the home, and with the right molds you can be snagging bigger and better fish with fewer lures! Here are a few tips on making good, convincing lures that will snag the right kind of fish:
Making Fishing Lures With the Right Tackle Making Tools
Posted by Magic Fishing
I used to be really cheap when it came to fishing. I would head out with the cheapest rod and reel going to try my luck at landing the big one. Only to find that I spent more time messing with my equipment then I did actual fishing. Most of the time was spent unraveling tangled line in a fishing reel mishap where by the end of the day you're cursing your shoddy equipment at stealing your opportunity for a great fishing trip. Sound familiar? I best it does, I quickly learned if I wanted to improve my fishing I needed quality equipment.
Making Wooden Fishing Lures - Are Eyes On Lures Important?
Posted by Magic Fishing
"Does painting or glueing eyes on my wooden lures improve their fish catching ability?"
Everyone has their own opinion, but many seriously good lure makers argue that having prominent eyes on your wooden fishing lures will always improve catch rates. After all, fish strike at the head of baitfish, right? Fish home in on the eye, don't they?
Making Wooden Fishing Lures - 5 Ways To Make Your Lures Catch More Fish
Posted by Magic Fishing
So, you've made a few wooden fishing lures, huh?
And hopefully you've caught a few fish on them, right? Great!
Now if you are using a system that enables you to clone your wooden lures, you are in a strong position to tweak your creations until you have a boxful of killer lures that will out-fish anything you can buy in the shops.
Small River And Stream Fishing Tips
Posted by Magic Fishing on Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The first thing to discuss is the clothing you wear. When fishing in and around small river and streams it's very important not to "stand out". The fish in these types of waterways are very cognizant of their surroundings and if they notice you, they are much less apt to bite. In fact, you can easily "spook" an entire area fairly easily which means that nothing will bite. For this reason, you want to make sure that you wear drab clothing that doesn't make you stick out like a sore thumb. When fishing in small river and/or streams, don't wear "loud" clothing.
River Fishing Tips
Posted by Magic Fishing
Use all of them or pick and choose your favorites, the point is that these tips have been proven through more than twenty years of actual fishing experience. These aren't simply "theories" that haven't been proven by actual fishing. You're not going to find any magic formula in this article, just simple river fishing tips that will enable you to get more bites, and thus catch more fish.
How to Fish a River - River Fishing Tips
Posted by Magic Fishing
River Fishing Tips - Tips For Catching Fish In Cold Weather
Posted by Magic Fishing
River Fishing Tips - Drifting Fishing For Trout
Posted by Magic Fishing
The Best Bait For Smallmouth Bass
Posted by Magic Fishing on Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The 'best bait' is most certainly hard to determine, and is largely up to personal preference, but the baits listed in this article are among the best and most effective baits that can be used to catch smallmouth bass. The final decision as to the best bait for smallmouth bass is up to you, and the only way to find out for yourself which is your favorite is to get out on the water and put these baits into practice.
The Best Catfish Bait For Big Cats
Posted by Magic Fishing
Why do you need a casting net to get the best catfish bait for big cats? Because you want fresh live bait. Just about any species will do but be sure to check your states regulations on live bait. My favorites are bluegill and shad but bluegill are illegal in some states. Both are abundant in just about any waterway. Also don't rule out bullhead catfish as Flatheads and Blues don't seem to have a problem eating their own species. In fact, Flatheads will often times prefer Bullhead over Shad.
The Best Bait For Trout Fishing
Posted by Magic Fishing
Before I get into the trout baits themselves, it's important to know the type of trout that you're attempting to catch. Not the species of fish, but the kind of trout. There are two basic kinds. Stocked (or planted) and native. Stocked trout are placed into the river or lake by the governments' fish & game department. Native trout on the other hand were born and live in the water in which they reside. Actually stocked trout can become native after living in said body of water for an extended period of time (2 or more years).
The Best Bait For Bass Fishing
Posted by Magic Fishing
Spring is the time of the year when bass are spawning, making it much easier to find them. They can be found in the shallow areas of a lake or pond. Any structure in the shallow parts is also a plus. For example around docks and fallen trees.
Now that the hardest part of catching big bass is taken care of, finding the location of them that is. But another tricky part, which is where most 90% of Anglers fail to do correctly is catch them. They can see them, but they just can't catch them.
So how exactly do you catch bass? With bait of course...but which baits to use is another question.
The Best Trout Bait?
Posted by Magic Fishing
Small Stream Fly Fishing Tips
Posted by Magic Fishing on Monday, February 21, 2011
Don't pre-judge size
Often times people tend to think the smaller the river the smaller the bait. This is not necessarily true. Last year, on a fishing trip with one of my friends who is an outstanding dry fly fisher, I was reminded of this valuable lesson. On this trip we were to be fishing a tributary to one of my favorite rivers. I thought that this would be an average fishing day, with no particularly large trout, but that soon changed when he brought out a twenty one inch cut-throat in the first few casts, and numerous good sized fish after that. After hours of me fishing with my ordinary tackle and coming up empty handed, I asked him what he was using. He showed me a size ten salmon fly. I thought this was ridiculous for that size of creek, but I tried the behemoth fly and on the fourth cast landed a twenty inch brown trout. This will remain a lesson I will never again forget.
Fly Fishing Tips and Techniques
Posted by Magic Fishing
Here are a few fly fishing tips.
Problem: The Fly. Are the fish interested in your fly. And if not, why not?
Well, here are a few things to consider.
1. Are there any rising fish. If not, a dry fly is not going to get you anywhere. Locate the fish and use a wet fly to get down to them.
2. Does your fly smell unnatural to the fish? Rinse your hands in the water and dry them before handling the fly. Fish have very good sense of smell and if your fly smells of smoke for instance, the fish won't take it.
Why I Love Fly Fishing, and a Couple of Tips
Posted by Magic Fishing
Before I took up fly fishing I had been a regular course fishing guy for as long as I can remember. I still enjoy sitting by the riverbank either watching afloat or waiting for my bite indicator tell me that I'm into a fish.
6 Fly Fishing Tips for Beginners
Posted by Magic Fishing
2. If you can't match the natural flies and nymphs perfectly, don't worry too much - it's how the fly behaves in the water that matters just as much as how it looks.
3. Always try to think how the natural fly does behave, and attempt to make your artificial work in the same sort of way. So don't twitch methodically, but vary how you retrieve your fly. Put a bit of imagination into it, and concentrate all the time. Results will rocket.
4. It's probably true to say that 90 percent of takes are never even guessed at by the angler. A trout can swim up, suck in a fly, and then reject it without the angler having a clue what's happened. For this reason, keep everything tight to the fly and watch both your line and your leader with hawk-like concentration. Strike if you think anything is a miss, and you can often be rewarded.
Top Ten Fly Fishing Tips
Posted by Magic Fishing
Common courtesy dictates that you take your line out of the water for any angler who has a fish on the line. This is so that they have plenty of space in order to land their fish. This rule is very important if you're fishing down-river from the other angler. Make sure that you never step into the space of an angler who is releasing or landing a fish on the bank.
Top Tuna Fishing Lures
Posted by Magic Fishing on Sunday, February 20, 2011
One of the best methods of tuna fishing is trolling from a boat. Trolling requires heavy lures and can be done with natural bait or artificial lures. Daisy chains and spread bar rigs are two great producers for tuna fishing. The daisy chain rigs are used to attract game fish. The lures are rigged together into strings and trolled at different speed depending on the conditions. The chain simulates a school of baitfish and usually the last bait has a hook hidden inside it. Many anglers like to use ballyhoo, herring and artificial squid as bait for this type of rig. If you are new to the sport, you can buy ready-rigged daisy chains at the tackle shop.
Tuna Fishing Technique - One Simple Tip Will Put More Fish in Your Boat Today
Posted by Magic Fishing
There is nothing like the site of blackfin tuna in a feeding frenzy. I love the way they simply destroy the surface of the water eating anything, and everything, in site. The sound that the surrounding birds make is music to my ears.
But where do you find the elusive fish? How can you increase your chances of having a large school come your way?
Tuna Fishing Tactics - Trolling and Jigging
Posted by Magic Fishing
The basic strategies for tuna fishing include trolling and jigging. Trolling involves pulling a lure or group of lures behind a boat. This way, anglers and charters can cover a lot of ground in very little time. The more ground you cover; the more likely you are to catch more tuna. Using an umbrella rig is a great idea if you plan on trolling for tuna. This tactic has a worthy purpose for catching fish. Basically, the umbrella rig is mirroring a small school of bait fish or ballyhoo.
Tuna Fishing Techniques - 3 Effective Tips to Consider to Catch More Tuna
Posted by Magic Fishing
1. Control Your Speed - When fishing for tuna, troll at speeds of 5 to 8 miles per hour. Most professionals like to use a typical 'W Pattern' while trolling. This pattern consists of 2 long lines held out on each outrigger, 2 shorter lines held out flat and one deep line straight down the middle. Additionally, it is helpful to display a flashy presentation of multiple lures. The more they splash, sparkle and shine the better. What you want is to trick the tuna into thinking that it has stumbled across a panicked school of bait fish.
Be Well-Prepared to Succeed in Tuna Fishing
Posted by Magic Fishing
If you are adventurous minded and at the same time, wish to enjoy a lot of fun, fishing for tuna is the ideal sport for you. Several species of tuna are there and their commercial value is also quite high. So, not only individuals, several companies have also plunged into tuna fishing to earn high incomes. Individual fishermen and anglers can also learn fishing for tuna so that they can also earn good incomes from it. However, while learning to catch tuna, you should first know what are the species in tuna and what are the surface temperatures and depths of different locations because each of these varieties lived in a different surface temperature and depth.
Salmon Fishing Tips - How To Choose The Perfect Salmon Fishing Rod
Posted by Magic Fishing on Saturday, February 19, 2011
Brightly Colored Saltwater Salmon Fishing Lures - Their Importance
Posted by Magic Fishing
In saltwater salmon fishing, baits are often used to attract more fish. Examples of baits include minnows, worms, plastic or live worms, eggs or maggot larva. When choosing bait, it is better to opt for what is available in the shops. If you are quite new in the location you picked as a fishing spot, try talking to the people knowledgeable in the area and ask what the ideal bait for the fishes is and what the condition of the water.
Salmon Fishing Lures
Posted by Magic Fishing
Using Salmon Fishing Lures
Posted by Magic Fishing
Being an anadromous migrating fish, they lay eggs and born in freshwater streams, then migrate to the open ocean to get sexually mature and then return to the very same spot of the freshwater stream where they were born to reproduce. But how this strong memory works remains unrevealed and still being debated among scientist.
Salmon Fishing Tip - How to make Your Own Salmon Bait
Posted by Magic Fishing
The following is a recipe for tuna balls that really makes a good alternative salmon bait. I've caught fall salmon using tuna balls fished below bobbers in tidewaters. I have also used tuna balls up river after fishing a hole for 15 to 20 minutes without success using eggs, switch to tuna balls and have had guys in my boat catch salmon. Tuna balls work and here is how you can make them:
Tips For Catching Large Mouth Bass
Posted by Magic Fishing on Wednesday, February 16, 2011
These tips are being listed in no particular order and all have their place in any bass fisherman's arsenal.
Big Large Mouth Bass - Three Tips to Catch Fat Fish
Posted by Magic Fishing
Bass fishing is all about experience and knowledge. As with any sport, you need to practice and gain wisdom in order to be the best. There are three main ideas you need to focus on when perfecting your bass fishing skill.
Get Hooked on Large Mouth Bass
Posted by Magic Fishing
Whether an experienced angler or a novice, we are always looking for ways to improve our chances of landing one of these prized species. The fishing guide, Large Mouth Bass Extreme, promises not only to improve your skills but guarantees you will have a successful large mouth bass fishing experience on your very next angling adventure.
Small Mouth Bass - Surefire Lures And Foods They Can't Resist!
Posted by Magic Fishing
Of course when a small mouth bass is especially hungry, it will eat anything in the vicinity resembling food. In situations where it's preferred food is scarce, small moth bass have eaten crickets, moths, grasshoppers and other insects. However, this fish is usually a very picky eater and prefers chasing and eating live minnows and crayfish.
It has also been said that small mouth bass eat a lot of frogs as well. This is more than likely not true. Frogs live in marshy places or near weed beds. Typically there is little or no current flowing and the bottom is covered with several inches of slime and mud littered with dead branches and sunken logs. The water in these types of places is stagnant, dirty, and warm. Small mouth bass prefer cool, clear and flowing water. However these places make excellent large mouth bass habitat who lie in the mud close to shore and eat large amounts of frogs.
Crayfish, which make up a large part of the small mouth bass diet, unfortunately doesn't make good bait. For whatever reason, it is very difficult to catch these fish using hooked crayfish as bait. It doesn't seem to matter how the crayfish bait is presented, the fish refuse to accept it.
Small Mouth Bass - Where To Find Them!
Posted by Magic Fishing
In rivers and streams, if you approach quietly with care, on a bright day you'll be able to see the fish suspended in mid-stream with their heads pointed into the oncoming current. This is where they thrive, in clean, moving well aerated water. An excellent place to cast is under a low hanging branch near the bank, especially behind a log or other obstruction that creates an eddy pool.
In small lakes small mouth bass can usually be found anywhere there is the slightest sign of water movement. The best place to check first is where creeks or small streams enter the lake. Especially if the water entering the lake is clear and cool, you'll find them holding at the entrance of these creeks and streams for days. Other good places to check for small mouth bass are anywhere eddies are forming; in narrow channels, around sunken logs and large rocks. In other words, anywhere water is moving, curling or being agitated.
Five Things One Needs For Deep Sea Fishing
Posted by Magic Fishing
The best way to learn fishing in a deep sea is by serving an apprenticeship under experienced anglers. Most of the best anglers today have leant the tricks of this trade in this time-tested manner.
However, if you cannot find an experienced person, you can still learn the basics of catching fish from the salty waters deep in the sea. The Internet is an excellent source of information. The fact that you are reading this article in itself is a good indication. If you search further, you can find websites that provide comprehensive information about deep sea fishing as well as sell equipment required for it at competitive prices.
The following are some of the essential items one requires for successfully capturing fish from large seas.
Deep Sea Fishing - Two Tips That Will Help You Catch More Fish
Posted by Magic Fishing
Deep Sea Fishing Tips For Anglers
Posted by Magic Fishing
Another awesome tip that I have in my arsenal is fishing the inlets. The ocean is a big place folks and there are a lot of areas to fish.
7 Freshwater Fishing Tips
Posted by Magic Fishing on Saturday, February 12, 2011
Freshwater Fishing Trips - Some Tips to Remember
Posted by Magic Fishing
However, one should be reminded that fishing, while it can be very enjoyable, has its share of hazards and dangers. For example, there is no denying that many of the fly fishing equipments has sharp parts and tools. One example is the fishing hook, which can contribute to accidents happening even if you least expect it. Likewise, we must remember that we cannot control the fishing environment. Sudden change of weather can happen such as the formation of storms or hurricanes which can definitely spoil your freshwater fishing trip.
What Do You Need To Know About Fresh Water Fishing?
Posted by Magic Fishing
Finding freshwater fishing guides can be challenging and just keep in mind that you also have to consider the right baits and get a guide that will put you on a bedding fish.
It is really fun way to catch fish just by sight fishing in the freshwater.
Fresh Water Fishing: The Basics You Need To Know
Posted by Magic Fishing
Fresh water fishing is done in lakes, rivers and streams that have minute quantities of dissolved salts. Freshwater sources are precipitation or melting ice and snow. There are many fresh water fish species, but some of the most important ones are bass, catfish, pickerel, pike sunfish, trout, salmon, muskellunge, sturgeon and walleye.
Deep Sea Fishing - The Best Way to Spend Your Day
Posted by Magic Fishing on Thursday, February 10, 2011
When you are planning to start your Key West deep sea fishing it is better to do it with someone who is experienced. With the right inquiries and bookings you can take advantage of all that deep sea fishing Key West has to offer you can do this even before you leave your home. Experienced and knowledgeable guides carry the proper licenses and permits to make sure that your adventure does not come at a price.
Safety First
7 Reasons Why Deep Sea Fishing Is A Great Adventure Sport
Posted by Magic Fishing
1. It's a chance to get out to the open seas. A chance to explore what the deep waters can give you as an adventure. The wind, the waves, the view. Deep sea fishing is your weekend ticket away from the bustling metropolis where the only chance to a relaxing ocean view is when the beaches are closed or on the pages of a travel magazine.
Deep Sea Fishing Tips
Posted by Magic Fishing
How to Store and Protect Your Fishing Lures
Posted by Magic Fishing on Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Even normal casting and retrieving can inflict some amount of damage on the lures. Hook scars from swimming along the belly can completely remove clear coats, paint and primer and if left unattended can dig into the lures body it. Another issue to look out for is loosening of the hardware as this might lead to loss of the lure at sea. These sorts of problems are easily correctable by doing quick repairs before the problem gets completely out of hand.
10 Types Of Fishing Lures That Can Help You Catch The Big One
Posted by Magic Fishing
There are a variety of different lures, all in different shapes sizes and colors and most avid anglers have quite a selection in their tackle box. Here are a few types you might want to include in your list of fishing gear.
Do You Really Need a GPS and Chart Plotter Combo When Fishing?
Posted by Magic Fishing on Monday, February 7, 2011
In fresh water, you will fish a river different from a lake, and in salt water, you will fish from a pier or the shore different than you would from a boat. If you are deep-sea fishing then it is a whole other game entirely, because you will need to use some specialized gear in addition to heavier rods, reels, and tackle like depth finders, chart plotters, and even a GPS.
Of course, if you are the kind of sportsman who is really into deep-sea fishing then you already know what it takes to have a successful deep-sea fishing expedition. However, if you are new to this kind of fishing then there a few things you need to know when going out on a deep-sea fishing boat.
Choosing the Best Sea Fishing Rod for You
Posted by Magic Fishing
You would not use the same rod to reel in a trout as you would to reel in a marlin. If you are going to be shore fishing or rock-hopping, you would not need nearly as large of a rod as you would if you were deep sea fishing. If you are fishing for larger, deep sea fish you will need a thick and sturdy rod, built to handle the stress of reeling in a large fish that is fighting for his life. There is a perfect rod for every type of fishing, and it is important to choose the right one.
Since a rod is the most important piece of equipment when one is fishing, what your rod is made of would be a very important factor as well. Rods need to be able to stand up to the salty sea air and not corrode or deteriorate.